Thursday, September 24, 2009

Egg Aspiration and Update on our Embabies!

On Wednesday Dh and I trekked down to the hospital to have our egg aspiration. We had to be there at 6am, the procedure being at 8am. The nurses were so great! I went up to 2nd floor outpatient surgery, then the nurses called me back to get in a gown and lay on the gurney. Dh gave his semen sample at 7:30 and I met the anesthesiologist who was soo nice! I was given twilight sedation for the procedure. I remember going down the hallway, knowing that the meds were kicking in..I was already fading out.... Then I remember all of the people in the small room and then I was out. I don't even remember them taking Dh's sample from under my armpit. lol...
I can't remember where I was when I woke up, either in post-op recovery or in the hallway. They did say that a side effect of the anesthesia was forgetfullness. In post-op they told me that I bled a little and the doctor had to put in a stitch, so the procedure took a little longer than normal. I went home and slept almost the rest of the night. My lower tummy hurts just like it did during the HSG. I am now taking tetrocycline and medrol four times per day. At night I am also taking a progesterone suppository at night to support the uterine lining.

Today I got a call from the RE updating us on the status of our babies! I was so nervous! Out of the 7 eggs retrived, only 5 of them were good quality. Dh's sperm count went up from 26.6 million to 50 million but his morphology dropped. RE told the embryologist to take the 3 best eggs and do ICSI (intracytoplasmic injection). Out of those 3 eggs only 2 fertilized. The 2 eggs left to fertilize by IVF did not fertilize. So were are so glad we did IVF to realize that we needed this to help make our dream of being parents a reality!!! We will be doing a two day transfer on Friday!

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